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Candace Fields is a non-binary,

queer cinematographer based in the Pacific Northwest.


Ever since childhood, they’ve had a passion for exploring and expressing their emotional landscape through visual mediums like drawing, dance, and photography. After discovering that filmmaking was the perfect blend of their preferred storytelling mediums, they decided that cinematography was it for them.


Over the last decade, they have worked on many films, small and large, that they are proud to have played a role in creating. Candace is primarily drawn to stories about queer people, navigating trauma, and  breaking generational curses amdist surrealism or anything that lives in the fantastical realm. They are eager to continue helping folks tell their stories, and telling ones of their own, through the art of cinematography.


Equity is of the utmost importance to Candace in both the workplace and the outer world. Their values are lived through actively teaching as many newcomers as they can the ways of the filmmaking trade as often as they have capacity to do so. Candace continuously strives to ensure that the most underrepresented folks in the industry are at the top of their list when being hired for a job. The task of undoing generations of patriarchal, systemically racist and hetero-centered storytelling is no simple task that cannot be done in a day. Candace is aware that this is a life-long work and practice of theirs to make the film industry more equitable and safe to all who want to be a part of it.

Click here to download my most current Resumé:

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